While globalization is happening at a fast pace, the political landscape has given room to opportunism and individualism. Through such a close-minded leadership, where talking goes before thinking, the world is left full of tension. The youth feels powerless against the authorities - this manifests in things like the “climate march”, lead by young school strikers all over the world. Our world has never been so divided, but once upon a time the world was united, at least geographically speaking. This can be referred to as Pangea, also known as the “urkontinent”. This means a world without borders, a world attached to each other - a world as one.
Pangea would be the first floating world university. It would search for a possible future in a world of crisis, for togetherness in a time of separation and for creativity in an era of content overload. It would sail around the world and bring various disciplines and ethnicities together on one ship. By sailing through cultures and time zones, the students would get a wider perspective of what is going on in the world and what can be done to bring it back together.

The route for Pangea is calculated into 35 countries in a total of 365 days, with a 10 day long stay at each destination. This route is calculated with the help of the maximum speed and the distances. Although this route is presented, it is just like Pangea itself, flexible to initiatives and suggestions by the students as well as current world events.
The planned route includes all continents as well as big cities, small villages and uninhabited places. As you will see in the upcoming pictures, it will constantly arrive at new environments to stimulate the students. The scale of the ship will also be visible in comparison to big cities or small villages.